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Address: 76, Donbasskaya Street, urban village Mikhnevo, Moscow region, RUSSIA, 142840

Driving from Moscow:
Take the new federal expressway "Don". From Moscow Ring Road, find the turn at the outer side between Varshavskoye and Kashirskoye highways. Use direction sign M-4 as your checkpoint then follow the traffic current along Kashirskoye highway, ignoring the guide sign pointing at Mikhnevo. After approximately 4 kilometers, you will reach an intersection (road A-108). Checkpoint - highway patrol police station (85th kilometer of Kashirskoye highway). At the intersection, turn right, pass by the railway crossing and cross the bridge over the Kashirka River. Before the first left turn (village Lipitino), there are direction signs reading "Mikhnevo Repair and Engineering Works, 4 km". Travel 3 kilometers until reaching the intersection with the sign "Mikhnevo Repair and Engineering Works, 1 km" drive forward via the crossroads, past the DSK factory. Drive past the private dwellings to the parking lot from where you will see the Works' lodge. Using the local PBX, call 240 or 250 to reach the shipping department.